Sweet & Tangy 10 Min Strawberry Mandarin Smoothie Recipe

Oranges, Strawberries & Ginger

On days where I am super busy, and unable to cook a wholesome breakfast or I need a snack. And, I know, I need the necessary nutrients to supercharge my day. Smoothies have been my go-to. I have always found fruit smoothies as a fast, easy and fun way to boost my immunity. Smoothies are always my favorite quick meal because I get to sneak in wholesome veggies into my diet, without much thought.

I thought sharing some of my favorite smoothie recipes on this blog, would be valuable information to you, the reader. I hope you will enjoy them for the taste and the added nutritional value.

This smoothie recipe, in particular, is one of my favorite recipes because it is simple to make and is super cost-effective. In fact, who wouldn’t appreciate an affordable, yet nutritious meal infused with the sweetness and versatility of strawberries, the tanginess of mandarin, and the zing of ginger? A very refreshing smoothie. 

Two Sickled Cells
Two Sickled Cells Magnified

The body of a Sickle Cell Warrior is a complex one, fraught, with all the potential for sustaining damage, all because of a single-point mutation. This singular deficiency of a single sequence change, an A to a T, puts people like myself in such precarious health situations.1 I think every tool that can be accessed, should and must be used to help build a strong body. Living with sickle cell disease (SCD) means my body is at-risk, and has the inability to properly absorb and maintain the nutrients and micronutrients found in such fruits as strawberries and mandarins. 2

Financially Strapped ?

We can all appreciate the benefits of eating healthy foods. A balanced diet is advantageous in mitigating the risk of disease and the breakdown of the body. However, when you are financially strapped, or live in a food desert or both. Like I did when I was at university, in North Philly, attaining healthy food was, oh so difficult. During my college years, I learned about the cost benefits of couponing and purchasing frozen fruits and veggies.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are very important to the human body. Frozen veggies and fruits are a good substitute for when fresh fruits and veggies are unavailable. However, if you’re reading this blog and you live in an underserved community, where access to whole foods is limited. Please do not be afraid to access frozen foods to fulfill your body’s nutritional requirements. 

The Dollar is King !

Although retailers commonly found in food deserts are not ideal, they do sell frozen fruits and veggies. Stores that are easily accessible in the city include, but are not limited to: Family Dollar, Mom & Pop Shops, Dollar General, Walgreens, and CVS. If you live near these shops, try to explore frozen food products and take advantage of what they do offer.

My own experience with food has been challenging, even with access to whole foods at retailers like Whole Foods. As a teenager, I was focused on being skinny, but not necessarily living healthily. In college, it was to live to eat and not starve. It took me until my mid-twenties, while living in Thailand, to learn how to learn, how to eat healthily. I eliminated red meat. Trained my body to drink at least a gallon of water a day. I began the journey of incorporating smoothies into my weekly regimen.

My journey with food and nutrition, like most American women, has been turbulent and uneven, but espically in my younger years. Smoothies became my saving grace. Whenever I needed a quick breakfast to prepare me for working long hours in mission fields aboard, smoothies were it. I had to learn, how to feed my body, in order to support my unqiue genetic make-up.

Mindful Breathing Techniques are Good Way to Help Control Pain

More and more, I have come to realize that a balanced diet is key to a strong body. I am also still learning how NOT to compare myself to those who are considered healthy and able-bodied. I often have to remind myself not to be in a race with others because SCD has impacted my body’s ability to function, despite all of my success.

As a reminder to all those who are disabled, or not able-bodied. Please remember your limitations and embrace them. What may work for the majority, may not work for you, and you know what, that is okay.

I am a very observant individual, and after much observation of Warriors in the online space. I have come to notice that many in the sickle cell community latch on to trends and fad diets more readily. I totally understand why one would want to rid themselves of SCD, thus trying anything. While I am not against holistic or natural medicine, or incorporating those approaches. I think it is important to exercise precaution and always seek medical consideration in all that we do. 

Strawberry Mandarin Smoothie
Strawberry Mandarin Smoothie

Healthy Foods for the Busy Adults

As busy adults, we all know, it can be extremely hard to get adequate amounts of veggies and fruits on the best of days. Much less on days riddled with screaming toddlers, zoom meetings that go over time, or even when juggling homeschooling for children.

Us SCD Warriors have to add to our schedule continuous pain crises, doctors appointments, monthly blood exchanges, and hospitalizations, in addition to life; which does not stop! The thought of grabbing a Twix or a bag of Lays chips on the go might be considered more convenient, but as we all know, processed foods over time are detrimental to all of our health.

So, the next time you’re ready to grab an unhealthy snack, which is okay to grab, every now and again. Please, take a second to stop, to consider recipes like this strawberry mandarin smoothie, an option that you can feel good about incorporating into your diet.

Benefits of Strawberries, Mandarin, & Ginger

Strawberries continue to be one of my favorite fruits. They’re a great source of vitamin C and manganese. The antioxidants and phytochemicals found in strawberries are known to reduce inflammation of the joints, which may cause arthritis and can also lead to heart disease.3 Most importantly, strawberries contain a significant amount of folate or B9. Vitamin B9 is responsible for assisting the body in the creation of healthy red blood cells. In patients with SCD, folic acid supplements are prescribed by medical providers for the production of red blood cells. 

Another fun ingredient in this smoothie is ginger. Incorporating ginger into your diet will help the body ward off germs, lower one’s blood sugar and help the body maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

The final item used in this immune-boosting smoothie is fresh mandarin. 

Mandarins are a great source of vitamin A and vitamin B and have a high level of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). When consumed on the regular, vitamins A, B, and C are a great way of preventing infections, removing free radicals in the body, and promotes skin health. 

The vitamin C found in mandarins assists in the prevention of colds. Ascorbic acid has also been found to keep the immune system functioning. So that you can fight off any bug that may come your way! Did you know, vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, berries, green and red peppers, cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, potatoes, and tomatoes. 

Peeled Mandarin

Mandarins are also great at flushing out toxins from your body. They work to keep things moving in the digestive system. This wonderfully sweet citrus fruit continues to function as an important source of fiber which helps in lowering cholesterol and balances blood sugar levels.

Strawberry Mandarin Smoothie Recipe


Servings 2

● 1 cup of frozen strawberries
● 1 medium-size mandarin or 2 small mandarins
½ inch of fresh peeled ginger
● ½ cup of 365 Organic Vanilla Lowfat Yogurt

¼  cup of Simply Orange Juice

Optional Ingredient:

Protein Powder-Orgain Organic Plant Based Protein + Superfoods Powder, Vanilla Bean

1. Add ½ cup of frozen strawberries, 1 (1 inch) cube of fresh ginger peeled
and ½ cup of 365 Organic Vanilla Lowfat Yogurt and blend.

2. Mix in 1 medium size Mandarin or 2 small Mandarins and blend.

3. Next, add ¼  cup of Simply Orange Juice and ½ cup of frozen strawberries and blend until smooth.

4. Add your favorite garnish on top (coconut, granola, or honey).

5. Serve & Enjoy!


  1. https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/sickle-cell-anemia-a-look-at-global-8756219/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3085005/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5622709/

Chronic•ly Sickle

Teanika Hoffman is a 34 year old Sickle Cell Disease Warrior. An SCD Patient Advocate, and Social Entrepreneur. Chronic•ly Sickle is a blog dedicated to educating the world on Sickle Cell Disease.

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I am a Sickle Cell Warrior who is blogging about sickle cell disease. I am Chronic•ly Sickle 🩸

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